In a video message titled the “New Pact,” the exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi defended the widespread protests and strikes inside Iran, saying...
The White House • April 9, 2020 Voice of America is a global news network funded by American taxpayers. It spends about...
The rocket attack that killed two American service members in northern Iraq late Wednesday was “most likely” carried out by an Islamic...
A global terror-finance watchdog agency is set to blacklist Islamic Republic in Iran, broadening a U.S. effort to isolate Tehran financially and...
President Donald Trump announced earlier this month the United States and China agreed to a phase-one trade deal. President Trump added the...
The United States on Monday slapped sanctions on nine aides to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on the 40th anniversary of...
The State Department has opened an investigation into a campaign of leaks targeting the Trump administration’s top Iran official, including leaks of...
IRAN WAIVER DECISION COULD DISRUPT URANIUM SUPPLIES: President Donald Trump must decide by today whether to extend waivers for companies doing nuclear...
The Iran-Saudi conflict has entered a new phase, with the real threat of a full-scaleconflict. The situations in Iraq and Libya will...