The aggressive attack of the United States and the United Kingdom on Yemen, along with their continued unlimited support for the Zionist regime’s war...
Speaking at the sermons of Friday prayers in the Iranian capital, Tehran’s interim Friday prayers leader Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Hassan Abu Torabi...
So far, Mohammadreza Sabaghian, Mostafa Kavakebian, Abbas Moqtadaei, Ghudrat Ali Hashemtian, Saeed Jalili and Ali Larijani have registered, Mohsen Eslami, the spokesperson for Iran’s election...
Their meeting took place at National Defense University of Tehran on Wednesday. In this meeting, the two sides discussed topics such as Arbaeen...
Ali Bagheri Kani made the remarks on the sidelines of the cabinet session on Wednesday. The active foreign policy, focusing on neighborhood...
The ceremony was held in the capital city of Britain on Tuesday, with Iran’s chargé d’affaires to London, Ali Matinfar, in attendance....
Alireza Parandeh Motlaq, the deputy head of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization of Iran (SATBA) for technical and engineering affairs, stated that...
While welcoming the deported media delegation in Tehran on Wednesday morning, Jebeli told reporters that he is not notified of the reason...
The World Health Assembly is held every year at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva with the participation of...