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A retired Gulf War colonel told Fox News on Tuesday that President Biden showed his decades of foreign affairs “ignorance” with a speech that will only embolden the Kremlin’s interest in invading Ukraine.
“President Biden gave us a profound demonstration of his infinite ignorance of foreign affairs and especially Russia,” Col. Douglas Macgregor said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
“There are no grounds for hostility between us and Russia and no grounds for conflict between us and Russia. But he has nevertheless managed to cultivate conflict and bad will,” he added.
Macgregor added that Russia has legitimate national security interests in Ukraine, in that Moscow views NATO as an adversary and does not want a NATO member on its border. Though Kyiv is not in the North Atlantic alliance, they are viewed as hopeful future partners.
Host Tucker Carlson noted that Ukraine itself is Biden’s “son’s former employer,” as his younger son Hunter Biden was previously a board member on the nation’s energy firm Burisma.
Carlson added that, in Biden saying he “will not pretend [the conflict] will be painless,” it exposed the potential for him to claim a Russo-Ukrainian war is now the cause of all of the United States’ economic ills, particularly reports of surging petroleum prices surpassing $1/gallon more than Trump-era highs.
Macgregor added that the United States indeed has no “moral justification” for its interest in the conflict other than to seek a diplomatic solution with both Kyiv and Moscow.
The retired colonel said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz hit the mark when he claimed European security likely requires Russian participation:
“For Europeans it is clear that lasting security cannot be achieved against Russia but only with Russia,” Scholz said after meeting with Putin.
Macgregor later said: “President Biden acts as though Russia’s interests are irrelevant, that Russia has no role to play.”
“Well, Russia is about to demonstrate that we are powerless in Eastern Europe to stop them,” he said. “And I do not see any evidence for this overwhelming support around the world for sanctions against Russia over something that most people rightly regard as a matter of national security interest to Russia.”