The Russian embassy in London described Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s trip to the UK on Wednesday as a “hasty event,” “theatrical performance,” “fundraising event,” and “ex-comedian in a green sweatshirt now on tour around Europe.”
In response to the UK saying it’s “actively looking” at whether to send fighter jets to Ukraine, the embassy warned that “Russia will know how to respond to any unfriendly actions by the British side.”
“We would like to remind London: in the event of such a scenario the death toll of yet another round of escalation, as well as and its military-political consequences for the European continent and the whole world will be on the United Kingdom’s hands,” the embassy said in a statement.
Earlier on Wednesday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said “when it comes to the provision of military assistance to Ukraine, nothing is off the table” when asked whether the UK will provide fighter jets to Ukraine.
And Zelensky hailed his visit, noting the two countries had reached an agreement on a “powerful defense package.”